In collaboration with OC Agri and Wagenaar Refrigeration, Green Simplicity has developed an innovative solution for climate control in horticulture (including glasshouse) and other applications. The Dry+ Climate unit offers electric cooling, dehumidification, and heating of the air in your cultivation space. This allows you to create the ideal environment for your crops. Request our brochure or contact one of our Green Simplicity specialists for more information.
The Dry+ Climate is a fully electric air handling unit with an integrated heat pump, heat recovery, and outdoor condenser. The system stands out with its higher efficiency, up to 50 percent more compared to existing dehumidification systems.
With these technical applications, the Dry+ unit is capable of cooling, dehumidifying, and heating, providing more flexibility and control throughout the entire cultivation process.
The Dry+ unit is available in three different variants, allowing it to meet the dehumidification demands of every grower with a corresponding type of air handling unit:
Are you ready for the next step and eager to discover the full potential of your crops and production process? Green Simplicity Research is here to assist you with plant-focused research and testing in a controlled environment. Once conclusions are drawn, Green Simplicity Concepts is ready to guide you through the scaling-up process. Our team is delighted to discuss the possibilities and provide personalized consultations and demonstrations. Feel free to contact us for more information.
Green Simplicity
Green Simplicity Research (GSR) makes plant-focused research accessible with affordable research systems. After discovering the potential of the crop in a controlled environment, Green Simplicity Concepts (GSC) collaborates with partners on scaling up and optimizing cultivation concepts without daylight.